Thursday, January 3, 2013

January Club News

Happy new year everyone!  And congratulations to everyone who tested last month!   

Important Upcoming Dates
  • January 14 - Next Beginners class starts!
  • February 23 - Han Moo Kwan 40th Anniversary Celebration

Chief Instructor Blog

Check out Kelly's blog for a new blog post "Art Form Responsibility"

Next Session

Our next TKD session is starting January 14.  Please recruit your colleagues.  I will send out the flyer soon.  We will also be having a demo on January 10 from 5-6pm so please invite people to that to check out the club.  Remember if you recruit someone new and they stay the whole session, your dues get waived for the following session!!!

Next session:  Jan 14 – June 27
Demonstration:  Jan 10, 5-6 PM, Bldg 163

Han Moo Kwan 40th Anniversary Celebration

Our club's 40th anniversary is fast approaching!  Please save the date for February 23 at Las Palmas Park.  Thank you to everyone who has offered to volunteer so far.  It will be a fabulous event and I hope you will all plan to participate.

"Like" us on Facebook!

Please visit the Facebook page here: and "like" our page.  We are looking for new ways to engage more members into the club and want to provide some visibility to what we do as a club.